Four-time Grammy country-rocker nominee, Junior Brown, is regarded as one of the hippest guitar-playing vocalists in music today. His biggest fans include some of the most cutting edge artists in rock and alternative, providing him opportunities to cross the borders of traditional country. He has performed with such artists as the Dave Matthews Band and String Cheese Incident, collaborated with Stone Temple Pilots, appeared on The Chris Isaak Show, acted on The X Files, became a national advertising spokesperson for the Gap, Lipton Tea, and Lee Jeans, and saw his hit song, ‘Highway Patrol’ used as the opening theme song of the Jim Carrey motion picture, “Me, Myself And Irene.”

“A lot of people tell me they don’t like country music, but they like what I’m doing,” says Junior Brown. “I hear that line more than anything else,” which is ironic because a couple of licks is all it takes to erase any doubts concerning Junior’s stylistic allegiance. His music combines the soul of country and the spirit of rock n’ roll.

For over five decades, Junior Brown has been captivating audiences with his brand of honky tonk, Western swing and country music. This extraordinary musician has made remarkable contributions to the music world, including helping to develop a unique guitar. His music has made its way to everything from films to TV, even featured in the popular SpongeBob SquarePants cartoon. Fans still can’t get enough of his infectious tunes like “My Wife Thinks You’re Dead,” “Highway Patrol,” “I Hung It Up,” “Gotta Sell Them Chickens” and “Venom Wearin’ Denim.”The award-winning Junior Brown is set to take the stage at venues like The Kessler Theater in Dallas, Texas, and the Birchmere Music Hall in Alexandria, Virginia.

The iconic Junior Brown demonstrated musical promise early on. Before he even spoke his first words, he played little tunes on hisfamily’s piano. He was also introduced to the country music genre through TV and radio. But it was the discovery of a family relic in his grandparents’ attic that led him to his destiny. An old guitar sparked what would become his enduring passion. Throughout his high school days, Junior Brown played in a string of bands. He eventually went on to play the country music scene full time. At the Hank Thompson School of Country Music, he worked as an instructor, where his future wife, Tanya Rae, was a student. Later on, Junior Brown and Tanya Raeplanted roots in Austin, Texas.

It was there he established a weekly gig as the house band at the Continental Club. The regular shows led to a contract deal with Curb and raised his profile for him to earn three Grammy nominations, a Bluegrass Music Award and a Country Music Association Award. His talents have also culminated into video appearances with the Stone Temple Pilots, Hank Thompson, The Beach Boys and George Jones. Films followed as well, including Trespass, The Dukes of Hazard, Me, Myself and Irene, and more. Junior Brown has additionally made several guest appearances on Conan, Saturday Night Live and Late Night with David Letterman. More recently, Junior Brown has been honing his songwriting skills and peddling his music to various venues across the country.


El cuatro veces nominado al Grammy country-rocker, Junior Brown, es considerado como uno de los vocalistas de música más modernos de la actualidad. Sus mayores admiradores incluyen algunos de los artistas más punteros en rock y alternativo, lo que le brinda la oportunidad de cruzar las fronteras del país tradicional. Ha actuado con artistas como Dave Matthews Band y String Cheese Incident, colaboró ​​con Stone Temple Pilots, apareció en The Chris Isaak Show, actuó en The X Files, se convirtió en un portavoz publicitario nacional de Gap, Lipton Tea y Lee Jeans , y vio su exitosa canción, ‘Highway Patrol’ utilizada como tema de apertura de la película de Jim Carrey, “Me, Myself And Irene”.

“Mucha gente me dice que no les gusta la música country, pero que les gusta lo que estoy haciendo”, dice Junior Brown. “Escucho esa frase más que cualquier otra cosa”, lo cual es irónico porque un par de lamidas es todo lo que se necesita para borrar cualquier duda sobre la lealtad estilística de Junior. Su música combina el alma del país y el espíritu del rock n ‘roll.

Durante más de cinco décadas, Junior Brown ha cautivado al público con su marca de honky tonk, western swing y música country. Este extraordinario músico ha hecho contribuciones notables al mundo de la música, incluida la ayuda para desarrollar una guitarra única. Su música ha llegado a todo, desde películas hasta televisión, incluso en la popular caricatura de Bob Esponja. Los fanáticos aún no pueden tener suficiente de sus canciones contagiosas como “My Wife Thinks You’re Dead,” “Highway Patrol,” “I Hung It Up,” “Gotta Sell Them Chickens” y “Venom Wearin’ Denim.”

El icónico Junior Brown demostró ser promesa musical desde el principio. Antes de decir sus primeras palabras, tocaba pequeñas melodías en el piano de su familia. También fue presentado al género de la música country a través de la televisión y la radio. Pero fue el descubrimiento de una reliquia familiar en el ático de sus abuelos lo que lo llevó a su destino. Una guitarra vieja provocó lo que se convertiría en su pasión duradera. A lo largo de sus días de escuela secundaria, Junior Brown tocó en una serie de bandas. Finalmente pasó a tocar la escena de la música country a tiempo completo. En la Escuela de Música Country Hank Thompson, trabajó como instructor, donde su futura esposa, Tanya Rae, era estudiante. Más tarde, Junior Brown y Tanya Rae plantaron raíces en Austin, Texas.

Fue allí donde estableció un concierto semanal como la banda de la casa en el Club Continental. Los espectáculos regulares condujeron a un contrato con Curb y le dieron un perfil para que ganara tres nominaciones al Grammy, un Bluegrass Music Award y un Country Music Association Award. Su talento también ha culminado en apariciones en video con los Stone Temple Pilots, Hank Thompson, The Beach Boys y George Jones. También siguieron películas, incluyendo Trespass, The Dukes of Hazard, Me, Myself and Irene, y más. Junior Brown también ha hecho varias apariciones como invitado en Conan, Saturday Night Live y Late Night con David Letterman. Más recientemente, Junior Brown ha estado perfeccionando sus habilidades de composición y vendiendo su música a varios lugares en todo el país.